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Kamigen: Aircraft Combat game
Concept design for the title screen of the Kamigen browser game. Made with Adobe Illustrator.

Concept design for the title screen of the Kamigen browser game. Made with Adobe Illustrator.

Concept design for the UI and gameplay of the Kamigen game. Made with Adobe Ilustrator.

Concept design for the UI and gameplay of the Kamigen game. Made with Adobe Ilustrator.

Website design for the project made with Adobe Illustrator.

Website design for the project made with Adobe Illustrator.

Concept design for the UI and gameplay of the Kamigen game. Made with Adobe Ilustrator.

Concept design for the UI and gameplay of the Kamigen game. Made with Adobe Ilustrator.

Concept design for the mobile version of the Kamigen game. Made with Adobe Ilustrator.

Concept design for the mobile version of the Kamigen game. Made with Adobe Ilustrator.

Kamigen: Aircraft Combat game

A browser based flight simulator, Kamigen originally started out as a game project to continue the learnings from Langenium however it has transcended it's origins as just as Three.js game to now being developed in Unreal Engine 5. This is an R&D project that uses the media franchise of Kamigen as a platform for the studio to develop new skills and capabilities.

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